Hey Mountain Lions! Enjoy the latest MHTV News Show written,
filmed, produced, edited and created by our talented #MHTVNews producers & staff!
Closed Captioning Available – Click the CC
Hey Mountain Lions! Enjoy the latest MHTV News Show written,
filmed, produced, edited and created by our talented #MHTVNews producers & staff!
Hey Mountain Lions! Enjoy the latest MHTV-COL News Show written, filmed, produced, edited and created by our talented #MHTVNews Producers & Staff!
We’ve posted these shows on our MHMS front Webpage and on our Library Media Canvas Student Resource Course page!
CBBC – Strange & Happy News (Links to an external site.)
Mr. Dunbar and I are so very proud of our hard working #MHTVNews staff!
Got an idea for a story? Let us know! And remember, next year at MHMS you can apply to be part of this super talented crew!
Our wonderful kids have been working hard on their journalism assignments!
How you doin, Mountain Lions?! Enjoy Episode 2 of our #MHTVNews-COL News Show written, filmed, produced, edited, and created by our talented #MHTVNews producers & staff! FEATURING a *Surprise Special Guest!
(Click CC for Closed Captioning)
If for some reason, the video doesn’t come out for you, please visit our Student Resource Course page to view! Mr. Dunbar and I are so very proud of our hard working #MHTVNews staff!
Got an idea for a story? Let us know! And remember, next year at MHMS you can apply to be part of this super talented crew!
Our #MHMSMetro (Links to an external site.) student run & #GTSeminar newspaper is available for download!
In order to see our past issues, visit the archives at: bit.ly/mhmsnews
Sometimes, you just have to wing it.
Or go for it. Even if it’s a wacky idea.
Like, a couple weeks ago, when our local weather person was going to be out of school & we didn’t have a quick replacement – what to do? Another #MHTVNews crew member was at home with a broken wrist & we were facetiming her in the studio before the show when the 7th grader Payton who started the facetime call, had the wild idea to put Kasey (our injured wing friend) on the TV show on using the phone! Brilliant! But would it work?
Payton took a picture of the weather script & sent it to her — I was busily trying to share it with her via GSuite – Payton won. And we tested the volume. The rest of the school wasn’t so happy about that! (the morning bell hadn’t rung yet, simmer down folks!) LOL But here’s how it came out
It wasn’t perfect, we wish we had used the set up as pictured above, just putting the tripod down on the weather desk – but it was a hoot and the feedback from our audience (the kids in the classrooms) was that the other kids really perked up and took notice!
I’m getting older, going to retire in 3 or 4 years, I’m not crotchety quite yet, but I hope I never get too old to try a last minute wacky fun idea that a kid has with all in and wild abandon.
Your turn! What wild & wacky ideas have you tried in your TV Studio, School Library, or Classroom? Do you ever try things with kiddos and say “this might now work, but let’s try it anyway?” Having that kind of (dare I say Daring?) chutzpah or embracing the fail attitude in front of the kiddos is a good thing! It’s OK to fail!
Cheers dears!
More TV Studio cuteness from Instagram. Follow me & the awesome that goes on every day at our school on Instagram at @TheDaringLibrarian
Thanksgiving Headband Cuteness
View this post on Instagram
Happy #GobbleGobble Day from Miss N and Miss E! #thanksgiving #celebratehcpss
And finally, another cool idea that Payton had, do an ASMR show.
Getting started in a TV Studio program at a young age put me on the path to success. Being able to get your hands dirty and experience all aspects of journalism (onair, producing, etc) helped me decide my career and put me steps ahead of others. I am so thankful for the #MHTVNews https://t.co/6gTfk1A8JF
— Julie Morse (@_juliemorse) September 17, 2018
Join #MHTVNews we love having our kidds join our awesome team! Application link below!
While I have you here! Muuwaa!
COOL Happenings at our Savage Branch Library!
Hey there!
To quote the musical philosophers the Spice Girls:
So tell me what ya want. What ya really, REALLY want!
Do you have a song that you’re dying to hear on our #MHTVNews show? If so, let us know and we will try our very best to add it to our playlist!
But we can’t just play any song – so, here’s the nitty gritty boring and obligatory directions:
Before you submit this request, please check the lyrics. Clean lyrics of explicit songs will not be played. Songs that are overtly sexual, disrespectful to women, men, or any group will not be played. Songs that glorify or promote violence or guns will not be played. Songs that refer to drugs, alcohol, or any illegal substances will not be played. Songs that talk about suicide or really depressing stuff will not be played. There’s enough bad and sad things out there in the world, so here at Murray Hill Middle School, we prefer to play, embrace, and promote upbeat and positive things and songs. Yes, that means stuff like unicorns, glitter, rainbows, care bears, little ponies, sports, dancing, swishy fun, puppies, kittens, and K-Pop. Still not sure? Would you sing this song out loud in the car with your Grandma? Thanks for understanding!
Please fill out as much of this information on this form or below as you can below and we will do our best.
Got any questions? Contact Ms. Jones (via the Library Media Center, Lunch Duty, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Semaphore, Canvas, or GSuite) and I will consult with our MHTV Music Director, Eliza. Thank you!
Graphic above thanks to GIPHY
Warning: This post is an archive & tribute post + a look at how we started our #MHTVNews program. If you’re interested in starting a TV Studio in your school check out our MHTV Wikispaces page with 11 years worth of information there. Feel free to download, copy, take, use, and share! BUT….the Wikispaces site is going away in July so hurry. After July, I will be posting most stuff here on an MHTV Edublog Page! — Now, Back to the post!
We started our TV Studio the first year we opened our school. In fact, we worked with the architects of our new school to include a TV studio connected to the Library Media Center, fully furnished with a 15K studio curtain (which later got stained with a whip cream pie – not that I hold grudges) and cutting edge technology. It also featured a kitchen area for cooking shows and connected to the Gifted and Talented Resource Room. (sadly, repurposed due to overcrowding) But, still — it’s a pretty awesome studio & WE LOVE IT!
In our 20th anniversary year, I thought I would share with you a historical online archive of a presentation that Ms. Dianne Wells (our first GT teacher) and I first gave in March of 2000 at MICCA now called MSET called: Lights, Cameras, Action: Technology Integration Through Television Production. Pretty forward thinking for 20 years ago! We’ve been doing MAKERSPACE since 1997. Some stuff will be a bit out of date, but see if you can spot the technology, links, or resources that are now obsolete!
Television Production a Best Practice
Technology Integration in Action
An Overview of Daily Live Television Broadcast at Murray Hill Middle School
Pre Production:
Post Production
Internet Resources for Television Production at Murray Hill Middle School
Daily Production
Ikeep bookmarks.com: As students share and add to our list of MHTV bookmarks, we have begun maintaining a universal set of appropriate bookmarks for daily studio use. It is possible to monitor, edit, and password protect the pre-set lists.
Murray Hill’s Current Weather Conditions: In addition to the AWS software in our studio, which allows us to access our current weather data, our current weather data is available on our homepage. (2018 Update – no longer. We had the AWS on the roof of our building but after 15 years it was oudated and they wanted about $750 to replace it – we didn’t have the money so it sits now gathering dust. Le sigh)
Yahoo News Summary: An easy to use overview of the major news stories of the day for a variety of national, sports, entertainment, technology, and science news.
The New York Times Learning Network: an excellent source for in-depth coverage of long term news issues such as School Violence, Election Campaigns, Crisis in Kosovo, and theWorld Trade Organization. This site includes current events articles related to the topic, background primary source information, research sites and topics, related issues, and points of view related to the issue. Good resource for special features and in-depth coverage of issues.
Cybercollege: Television Production. On online television production curriculum for instruction of students or reference for professionals.
We celebrated Women’s History Month at MHMS by creating a book display and daily feature news stories on MHTV about famous and significant women in history! Here are the scripts we wrote for this, feel free to use with attribution and a link back.
Here’s our Google Doc: You may copy this, but please make sure to give proper attribution. Thank you!
(not perfect by any means, much like me! LOL)
Non Fiction
Women’s suffrage : a primary source history of the women’s rights movement in America – 305.42 ADA
Failure is impossible! : the history of American women’s rights (2000) by Kendall, Martha E. Series: Nonfiction – 305.42 KEN
The good, the bad, and the Barbie : a doll’s history and her impact on us – 688.7 STO
Take it to the hoop : 100 years of women’s basketball (2003) 796.323 STE
Winning ways : a photohistory of American women in sports (1996) by Macy, Sue. 2 Available Add to List Shelf Location: Call Number Nonfiction – 796 MAC
Outrageous women of the Middle Ages (1998) by Leon, Vicki – 920 LEO
I am Malala : (2014) 921 YOU
Gold rush women (1997) by Murphy, Claire Rudolf. Lexile Measure: – 971.9 MUR
Black women of the Old West (1995) by Katz, William Loren. – 978 KAT
Encyclopedia of women’s history in America. (1996) by Cullen-DuPont, Kathryn Reference Collection – REF 305.4 CUL
Women of achievement in Maryland history (2002) by Stegman, Carolyn B Reference Collection – REF 920 STE
Audacity (2015) by Crowder, Melanie. – F CRO
Mare’s war by Davis, Tanita S. – F DAV
The clockwork scarab : a Stoker & Holmes novel (2013) F GLE
Hello dear readers, this is Gwyneth Jones – your one and only ridiculously humble Daring Librarian here with dire
As Sophia (the delightfully cheerful girl above) reported on MHTV News we must share something distasteful with you.
Why? Because I recently awoke feeling a dreadful malaise and a lingering doleful fear about something I just uncovered. When I say “uncover” imagine turning over a mossy rock expecting cute wriggly earth worms and rolly polly pill bugs only to find a suspect piece of butterscotch candy wrapped in a soggy cellophane wrapper…well, read below for our news story.
Oh, and don’t be angry with me OR with the smiley Sophia…we HAD to give this news to give you pause!
Here’s the Script:
We here at #MHTVNews usually like to share uplifting and heartwarming stories about young people who joyfully create amazing things and are rewarded for their Scientific, Literary, Artistic, and or Academic Achievements.
Today not so much.
We’re here to give a warning that there is a pernicious, which means here deadly, and terrifying new series now available for streaming on this thing called The Netflix.
It’s called:
The Series of Unfortunate Events
by Lemony Snicket.
(And as a wry aside, may I add that this is surely a silly name for a terribly sinister author! I met him once in 2004, at the Howard County Public Library – He signed a book for me and though I was introduced to him by one of my favourite students as the Evil Daring Librarian Ms. Jones – he said I was only Allegedly Evil! As if! [snit] /a)
Please don’t watch this next video if you are sensitive by nature.
You can look away now.
Of course, we have all the books in this horrid series in the Murray Hill Daring School Library Media Center, we consider that fair warning so that you may read them, if you are so inclined, to be properly prepared. They are terrible books of horrible events and only appreciated by those who are slightly tetched in the heid (Scottish variety) or bloodthirsty.
Again, you’ve been warned.
Oh and Count Olaf? We’re keeping a weather eye on you, you can be sure of that! No more sneaking around and hiding in my Library Office.
BONUS Delightful GAME:
Find Count Olaf Hiding in my Office!