Unlocking the Secret to 100+ FREE eBooks & Audiobooks

Hey Mountain Lions!

If you missed my presentation last week – here’s the info I shared about the secret way to unlock, filter, and find 100 FREE eBooks  – That’s right a variety of Fiction, Non-fiction, Graphic Novels, Horror, Mystery, Sports, Classics and MORE!  All through Clever and MackinVia.

Got a question? Email me in Canvas! Or drop by your Virtual Recess session!

  1. Log into HCPSS.me
  2. Go to GSuite
  3. Go to the waffle menu on the top right corner and select Google Meet
  4. Enter the nickname/code name /MHMS-gjones-recess-MonthDay

Every week it will be:

Tuesday 6th Graders

Wednesday 7th Graders and

Thursday 8th Graders