8th Grade Civil War History Links

The Child's Anti-Slavery Book

[Detail] The Child’s Anti-Slavery Book

Resources for 8th Grade Social Studies: American Slavery

You are a Maryland Slave – Pathways to Freedom – MPT Thinkport

American Slavery Student Quiz: American Slavery Quiz 

From our Databases in MackinVia – found through HCPSS.ME > Clever > MackinVia > American History > Slavery

Slavery (Visual) A multipart exploration focusing on the peculiar institution of slavery in the South and how the cotton gin contributed to its growth.

The Civil War Resources & Activities – Library of Congress

American Anti-Slavery Society

The American Anti-Slavery Society was formed in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur and Lewis Tappan. One of many groups to emerge from the abolition movement, the American Anti-Slavery Society became the largest and most influential abolition organization in the United States.

American Anti-Slavery Convention

The American Anti-Slavery Convention, held in Philadelphia in December 1833, resulted in the founding of the American Anti-Slavery Society, which was dedicated to immediate emancipation through “moral and political action.”

Slavery in mid-18th-century colonial South Carolina

In the years leading up to the Revolutionary War, a surveyor of the Virginia plantation system would have noticed a variable and somewhat diversified population of both whites and blacks laboring in the tobacco fields. A surveyor visiting the rice plantations of South Carolina on the eve of the Revolutionary War would have noticed a far different labor force, one that consisted almost entirely of blacks.

Society for the Abolition of Slavery emblem and Whittier poemClick to Enlarge Society for the Abolition of Slavery emblem and Whittier poem

[Library of Congress]

Abolition: “Am I not a man and a brother?”
Anit-slavery broadside, 1837.

From our Databases in MackinVia – found through HCPSS.ME > Clever > MackinVia > History reference center



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